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'That Kind Can Never Change!' Can They...?

(Pr Ron Woolsey - 189 pages)

One Man's Struggle to Understand and Overcome His Homosexuality

• Was he born this way?
• Was he conditioned by abuse, environment, and circumstance?
• Could God love him in spite of the lifestyle he was leading?
• Was it necessary for him to change?
• Was it possible for someone like him to be changed?

Read the true story of Ron's path to victory which he has shared so that others may know that nothing is impossible with God.

The attitude expressed in the title quote is held by many Christians today in regards to the homosexual in particular, but could also extend to those of any "socially unacceptable" besetting sin or lifestyle.

This title is based upon an unfortunate direct pronouncement against and denouncement of the author by a local pastor one year after the author's conversion; a pastor who just could not believe that even God could change someone like the homosexual. The same point was made repeatedly by a local elder of the author's own church two years after his conversion.

Such Christians need to understand that their faith may be no more than a mere " form of godliness, denying the power thereof."

May the same come to know and understand our God as being mighty to save; even to the uttermost. "Whosoever" includes the homosexual.

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