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Righteousness by Faith in Verity DVD Part 1 - 3

(Walter Veith - 3 DVDs)

Part 1: 
If God gave His one and only son for us to die, and Jesus sacrificed everything for us, can we find it in ourselves to make certain sacrifices for Him too? Jesus is knocking at the door of our lives, and it’s up to us to open that door to invite Him in. Only through letting Him in can we create, nurture, and grow in a relationship with Christ. This relationship entails fantastic peace and joy, but it also involves disappointment and pain sometimes. Learn what the message of righteousness is, and what aspects of our lives are part of the recipe of righteousness. 

Can we find righteousness by following God’s law and His law only? Or does faith have to be part and parcel of the deal? In this lecture with Walter Veith, we examine the Bible and learn about justification. Discover how we cannot separate the law from faith, and how law is integral to righteousness. The Reformers knew about this important relationship from the start, and Seventh-day Adventists preach this message worldwide, but why is it still so unclear? Let us determine the relationship between law and grace and understand what it really means to have righteousness by faith in verity. 

Part 2:
We may be very strong in Protestant beliefs, but what do we know about Rome’s position on justification? How does Rome view the atonement? In Righteousness by Faith in Verity Part 2, we investigate the Catholic view on the Bible and also the Catholic view of Protestants. 

In this lecture featuring Walter Veith, we closely examine Catholic sources that show the lessening of Jesus and the uplifting of the Catholic church. See how Catholics desire a closer relationship with the church, whereas we should be seeking a closer and personal relationship with Christ. Through exploration of key Catholic excerpts, we discover the troubling idea that some may believe in unBiblical theories rather than truth. Learn more about the salvation by faith or salvation through works issue and witness how the world is becoming an increasingly challenging and turbulent place. Decide for yourself whether you should go to the Pope and to the church for answers, or to the Everlasting God. 

Part 3:
Lately in the religious world we have heard a lot of talk about unity. Amidst all the earthly conflict, we hear pleas for ecumenism time and time again. Pope Francis has been working toward an improved relationship between Protestants and Catholics. Upon initial observance, this may sound ideal and wonderful, but is unity really Biblical? Is unity the solution the world needs? 

In this lecture with professor Walter Veith, discover how the world is slowly and dangerously moving toward ecumenism. The world is surely replacing and lessening Jesus with something else, something earthly. Instead of having a personal one-on-one relationship with Christ, we are to approach our churches, our bishops, and our pope for a spiritual experience. Is this the faith we are called to have? 

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