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Blend very briefly all but parsley flakes. Stir in parsley flakes and store in an air-tight container in a cool place.
An excitotoxin is a toxic molecule that stimulates nerve cells so much that they are damaged or killed. Excitotoxins are found in many processed foods. Click Here to read an article by Kaye Sehm on Excitotoxins.
Saut� until tender in a little water:
Then add and simmer gently for about 30 minutes.
Place in blender ingredients for the cheesy sauce:
Blend together ingredients for the cheesy sauce until smooth and creamy. Layer vegetable sauce, lasagne sheets, tofu and cheesy sauce in baking dish. Continue layering until 1 cm from brim of dish. Finish with a layer of cheesy sauce. Place in oven and bake for approximately 50-60 minutes at 190o. Serves 8-10.
Saut� in water the onions, garlic and capsicum. Place in the blender, water, raw cashews and seasonings, adding tofu last. Blend well until smooth. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir in the flour, parsley and cubed potato. Fry in a non-stick pan for approx 5-10 minutes each side or until cooked.
Important Information
This DVD series of 'Back to Eden' is comprised of 2 DVDs.
Each DVD is intended as a health education presentation based on published natural health literature, long standing holistic health practice used by physicians and other health practitioners committed to the appropriate use of holistic health solutions, as well as the experience and observations of the presenter, Kaye Sehm, over the years of her involvement in the treatment of illness with simple natural remedies.
These DVDs and the further information provided on this website should not be used by viewers to replace a patient relationship with qualified health professionals, including medical physicians.
Persons who are ill or on prescribed medication who wish to explore the benefits of natural remedies for themselves, should do so under the direction of a registered and qualified health practitioner familiar with the effects of natural remedies and prescribed medication reduction or cessation.
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