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Doug Batchelor

Foundations of Faith

(Doug Batchelor - 4 DVDs)

Now, more than ever, the devil is seeking to undermine the bedrock foundations of Christianity. The result has been a virtual flood of error that has been eroding the fundamental teachings of God’s Word in our churches and culture at large—everything from the inspiration of Scripture to the story of Creation and the role of the traditional family. [Click for more info ->]

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Here We Stand DVD's

(Doug Batchelor - 5 DVDs)

Join Pr. Doug Batchelor for 10 thrilling messages of revival, restoration and reformation that stir both heart and mind. These powerful sermons highlight some of the distinctive teachings of Seventh-day Adventists calling upon every Christian to raise the biblical standards and.... [Click for more info ->]

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Heroes of Faith: Inspirational Stories of Salvation

(Doug Batchelor - 125 pages)

A true Bible hero, while not always perfects, fixes our eyes upon Jesus. When we carefully study their lives, we will become more Christ-like. As you prayerfully read abou Mary Magdalene, Petere, Rahab, Naaman, and many others in this unique study guide, and thoughtfully consider the questions at the end of each chapter with your family, a small group, or on your own, you'll be inspired to reach for a whole new level of faith! May these Bible heroes inspire you to run with endurance the race that is set before you. [Click for more info ->]

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