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Doug Batchelor

Revelation Now! Everything is About to Change DVD Set

(Doug Batchelor - 10 DVDs)

Join Pastor Doug Batchelor for this epic Bible prophecy series and get clear, trustworthy, logical answers to your most pressing questions about life, prophecy, and the last days. You’ll not only receive life-changing insight into what the future will bring next, but you’ll also gain the practical tools you need to thrive in the here and now! [Click for more info ->]

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Shepherd King DVD set

(Doug Batchelor - 4 DVDs)

Few Old Testament characters have had as much impact on the modern Christian faith as David, the beloved shepherd-king of Israel. And today, his story—the challenges, the adventures, and the highs and lows—still has amazing power to inform and transform our walk with God. [Click for more info ->]

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Should Christians Keep the Jewish Feasts?

(Doug Batchelor - pages)

Growing numbers of sincere believers are asking whether Christians today should be keeping the feasts and festivals commanded in the Old Testament. In an easy-to-read and engaging style, Pastor Doug unfolds Bible answers that will help you know God’s will for you.

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Spiritual Israel

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Prophecy - What is Israels destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Jews boldly tackle one of the most divisive issues in prophecy, leading you to an amazing conclusion backed by solid biblical evidence

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