Storacles of Prophecy
(Doug Batchelor)
The beautiful, fully illustrated and timely 24 Bible-lesson set created for Doug Batchelor's Millenium of Prophecy seminar will help to reach searching hearts.
The beautiful, fully illustrated and timely 24 Bible-lesson set created for Doug Batchelor's Millenium of Prophecy seminar will help to reach searching hearts.
This powerhouse five-part series, broadcast in front of sold-out crowds in Birmingham, England will thrill you and show you how to have a better prayer and Bible study life. Give you practical tips for overcoming temptation. Teach you the most effective ways to reach others for.... [Click for more info ->]
Christian Growth - Doug takes you through seventeen points that will help you on this topic. Remember that Jesus also needed prayer. He would arise early in the morning and go off by Himself to pray.
Following the formula of the Lord's Prayer, Pastor Doug explains the elements of powerful and effective prayer.
Who crerated God? Where does our spirit go when we die? Should women cover their heads in church? Do babies sin? Doug gives candid, biblical answers to these and other tough Bible questions.
In The Amazing Power of Forgiveness, Pastor Doug Batchelor leads you through a practical, biblical study about guilt and forgiveness. You will better understand your own need for forgiveness, learn to overcome barriers to forgiveness, grasp the difference between guilt and shame, and much more in this hope-filled book. [Click for more info ->]
Christian Growth - A terrible war is raging between good and evil, and your eternal destiny is at stake. But God assures victory for those who choose to follow Him. Find new peace in this beautiful journey through one of the Bible's most beloved passages..
Marriage is under attack! Of course this might be a shock to you if you weren't living in a culture in which 40% of people thing marriage is a useless tradition-even with all the evidence that broken families are ravaged financially, physically, and emotionally by divorce.
Yet God's Word is clear that this institution, created at the beginning of time, is the foundation of a healthy family and nation. Ultimately, marriage is God's idea.
Pr. Doug's most popular amazing facts have been compiled into this comprehensive volume! Whether you're preparing a sermon, need an attention grabber for a children's story, or just enjoy fascinating trivia of. This book is sure to be a wonderful resource in your home.... [Click for more info ->]
Are you a curious person? do you like to mesmerise your family and friends with tales of astonishing world wonders and stories of incredible people? You'll find a world of amazing facts that offer a whole new way to Illustrate God's love and truth.
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