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Doug Batchelor

The Need of the Holy Spirit

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Holy Spirit - Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I don't think we can afford to be confused on this matter, because the church is prophetically overdue to receive a major, history-altering baptism of the Spirit.

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The Prophecy Code DVD'S + Bible Studies

(Doug Batchelor - 10 DVDs)

Are you ready for the future? Get the keys to understand the Bible's most mysterious prophecies in this dynamic series that's perfect for your church or personal outreach efforts. Twenty topics on 10 DVD's including a set of Bible Studies.

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The Richest Caveman

(Doug Batchelor - 135 pages)

The extraordinary true story of Doug Batchelor. A great witnessing tool that tells how God turned a rebellious teenager living in a cave into a tremendous soul-winner.

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The Savior and The Serpent

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

The Scriptures are an epic record of the battle between our Savior and the serpent. And though some don’t relish the idea of studying snakes, these cold-blooded, legless reptiles are mentioned from Genesis to Revelation. Pastor Doug uses John 3:14, 15 as a springboard to offer a stirring message of salvation that you might never have heard before!
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The Sign of Jonah

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Prophecy - The Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus that He was the Christ, so Jesus likened His ministry to the story of Jonah. This enriching, inspiring booklet highlights the importance of Jonah's amazing story to the ministry of Christ.

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The Trinity

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Trinity - The mystery of the triune God is under attack! Learn how to defend this essential tenet from dangerous assault

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The Truth About Mary Magdalene

(Doug Batchelor - 125 pages)

Learn more about Mary Magdalene! The scripture tells us of salvation, sorrow and joy. You'll love this book! Who was the real Mary Magdalene? From the temple to the tomb, the enigmatic woman appears throughout the Gospels, never very far from Christ's shadow. Speculation runs rampant about her true identity. Was this mysterious disciple just a harlot or, as some suggest, the secret of Jesus.

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The Two Witnesses

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Doctrine - Did you know there is a story in the Bible that tells of a mountaintop blazing with heavenly light? Doug takes you through nineteen different points about Moses and Elijah and where they are today.

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The Ultimate Resource

(Doug Batchelor - 32 pages)

Bible - The Word is a powerful weapon. Every time Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He quoted from Scripture, saying, "It is written." He used this mastery and His application of the Word to fight off Satan's attacks.

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