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Ellen G White

God's Holy Word

(Ellen G White - 126 pages)

Talk about hodge-podge! Talk about confusion! The Bible speaks of only one God and one church. So why do the world's nearly seven billion people worship thousands of gods in tens of thousands of churches? Though we live in a godless time with the Bible under attack, God needs.... [Click for more info ->]

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God's Love for Man

(Ellen G White - 32 pages)

It's the age-old question finally answered - if God really does love us, why does He allow such terrible things to happen? In this eye-opening book, you'll learn, What does "God's love" really mean? How can you know He really loves you? Can God.... [Click for more info ->]

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Gospel Workers

(Ellen G White - 535 pages)

This is a revised and enlarged compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White. It has become a highly prized handbook of counsel and instruction to ministers and to all other missionary workers connected with the Seventh-day Adventist movement. Contents Sections Called With a Holy.... [Click for more info ->]

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Healthful Living

(Ellen G White - 336 pages)

In her ministry, Mrs White stressed the importance of adequate exercise and rest, adoption of the most healthful diet possible, and abstinence from alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Christ desires our wholeness, joy and goodness.

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Heaven - Hardcover

(Ellen G White - 192 pages)

Here you will find not only pictures of celestial glories, but insights into the activities of the redeemed, the certainty of Jesus' coming to take us home, the end of evil, and how Heaven can begin in our lives even now. This book will make you homesick fro a home you haven't.... [Click for more info ->]

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Help in Daily Living

(Ellen G White - 64 pages)

"Often our plans fail that God's plans for us may succeed" Are you searching for life above the ordinary? Do you want true and lasting relationships, a genuine godly character, and a practical everyday faith that fills your life and the lives of those you touch with.... [Click for more info ->]

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Herbs For Health

(Ellen G White - 31 pages)

This is an old favourite. It used to be known under the title "The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy". Now republished as "Herbs for Health". The few statements regarding herbs that are found in Mrs White's writings are clear and definite. She says, "there are simple herbs that can be used for the recovery of the sick." This book was originally compiled from E.G.W. sources by Elder D.E. Robinson who was then secretary to Mr White. it was first printed in 1931 and revised in 1934. [Click for more info ->]

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Illustrated Desire of Ages

(Ellen G White - 1056 pages)

AN EXCELLENT GIFT!. The complete book with 213 illustrations plus Reader's Guides to the Life of Christ. Bible Stories for the Family, Special Map Section, Precious Promise Passages, Complete Map Section and 3 indexes. The Desire of Ages is a proven source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason... [Click for more info ->]

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Illustrated Great Controversy

(Ellen G White - 960 pages)

An excellent gift. This beautiful Illustrated Great Controversy is a complete text, plus Basic Steps to Christ, 220 color presentation, 68 charts, 4 maps, 6 indexes,-plus much more.

Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion... [Click for more info ->]

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Last Day Events - Hard Cover

(Ellen G White - 330 pages)

Ellen White saw our little world as a lesson book to the entire universe, illustrating both the terrible results of sin and God's glorious love, culminating in the triumph of righteousness at Christ's second advent. This book brings together significant statements from her.... [Click for more info ->]

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