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Ellen G White

Last Day Events P/B

(Ellen G White - 329 pages)

In 1992 the trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate, in cooperation with Pacific Press Publishing Association, released a new compilation of Ellen White statements about the end times entitled, Last Day Events. The new work took statements from published books, manuscript collections,.... [Click for more info ->]

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Lessons From the Life of Nehemiah

(Ellen G White - pages)

This easy-to-use Bible study guide on the life of the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah is based on a series of articles published in the Southern Watchman in 1904. Lessons From the LIfe of Nehemiah will help you think through the sacred charge that God has placed upon his leaders and.... [Click for more info ->]

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Life Sketches - Hard Cover

(Ellen G White - 480 pages)

In these pages Ellen White recounts, in her own words, a brief account of her childhood days, and her early Christian experience in connection with the great second advent movement of 1840 to 1844.

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Living the Life of Enoch

(Ellen G White - 112 pages)

People tell us it is too late to warn of dangers, too late to give the final message to the world, too late to expect others to respond to the pleadings of the Word of God. It is not too late. We are to live the Life of Enoch.

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Lucifer, How Art Thou Fallen

(Ellen G White - 107 pages)

The purpose of this book is not to exalt Satan, but rather to show his character, works, and methods as he wars against God, Christ and the Church. It covers the history of Lucifer from his creation and his fall, thru his warfare on earth, down to his final destruction.

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Maranatha - Hardcover

(Ellen G White - 383 pages)

Daily devotional book. The Lord is Coming, Ellen White's statements on last-day events are brought together to form an inspired preview of the closing events of earth's history.

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Mark of the Beast

(Ellen G White - 110 pages)

Deep Study! Part One: explains Dan 7, Rev 12-14; full of History, Catholic and Protestant quotes. Part Two: Basic Great Controversy.

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Medical Ministry - Hard Cover

(Ellen G White - 355 pages)

The field of modern medicine continues to make amazing advances through research and technology. In spite of these advances, a significant amount of time and attention is still spent on how to preserve and improve health, and how to prevent and treat sickness. The author places.... [Click for more info ->]

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Messages to Young People - Hard Cover

(Ellen G White - 499 pages)

This bracing challenge to honour God with a self-controlled life will inspire many to join the army of dedicated youth who "Climb the shining way" who aim to stand upon the summit of intellectual greatness and serve their God by dreaming dreams.

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