The Ten Commandments - Jeff Wehr
(Jeff Wehr - 50 pages)
This little book will give you a deep insight into the true depth of the Ten Commandments. It will challenge and inspire you.
This little book will give you a deep insight into the true depth of the Ten Commandments. It will challenge and inspire you.
We are at war! But why? And why are there such things as murder, hatred, sin and suffering? In the book, The War Between Christ and Satan, we will explore the origin of evil—where did it start? With whom? How did this conflict between good and evil get inside of me? And how can I be delivered from it? This small book covers these very important issues. You will want to get one for yourself and more to share.
Are you justified? Are you sanctified? Will you be glorified? The answers to these questions and more can be found in Paul's gospel to the Romans. Find the answers in Jeff Wehr's verse by verse commentary on this exciting book.
Are you justified? Are you sanctified? Will you be glorified? Let Jeff take you for a walk through the book of Romans with Jesus and find the answers. [Click for more info ->]
Are you justified? Are you sanctified? Will you be glorified? Let Jeff take you for a walk through the book of Romans with Jesus and find the answers [Click for more info ->]
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