10 eBooks by Dr Jeff Wehr
(Jeff Wehr)
A USB with 10 eBooks by Dr Jeff Wehr [Click for more info ->]
A USB with 10 eBooks by Dr Jeff Wehr [Click for more info ->]
For many people, the book of Revelation has been the most difficult book in the Bible to understand. The structure seems confusing, and there are all these symbols. Daniel and Revelation Decoded is designed to make the study of both Daniel and Revelation simple and easy. First, we begin with the structure of Daniel and Revelation. Second, we cover the principles of interpretation that help unlock the meaning of all those symbols. Third, we provide a verse-by-verse commentary of each chapter. Finally, we conclude each chapter with thought questions to help apply the truths found therein.
For many people, the book of Revelation has been the most difficult book in the Bible to understand. The structure seems confusing, and there are all these symbols. Daniel and Revelation Decoded is designed to make the study of both Daniel and Revelation simple and easy.
For many people, the book of Revelation has been the most difficult book in the Bible to understand. The structure seems confusing, and there are all these symbols. Daniel and Revelation Decoded is designed to make the study of both Daniel and Revelation simple and easy.
Kindness living is a life of benevolence, a beautiful life of receiving to give. It is about mingling with others as one who cares. it is expressed in kind words and deeds. It is life.
While the overriding theme of this series is the human mind, we will begin with the fall of Lucifer. This most excellent created being began to corrupt himself with faulty thinking, which led to outright rebellion against God. Tragically, his evil spirit has poisoned our little world. All the wars, assaults, rapes, crude jesting, violence, and immorality is due to our fallen nature and faulty thinking. If we could become born again and receive a renewed mind, we could become the salt of the earth, and help to bring healing to suffering humanity. The new birth experience makes thinking right and from this follows all our behaviour and the development of a Christlike character. [Click for more info ->]
While the overriding theme of this series is the human mind, we will begin with the fall of Lucifer. This most excellent created being began to corrupt himself with faulty thinking, which led to outright rebellion against God. Tragically, his evil spirit has poisoned our little world. All the wars, assaults, rapes, crude jesting, violence, and immorality is due to our fallen nature and faulty thinking. If we could become born again and receive a renewed mind, we could become the salt of the earth, and help to bring healing to suffering humanity. The new birth experience makes thinking right and from this follows all our behaviour and the development of a Christlike character. [Click for more info ->]
You’re surrounded by Satan but don’t surrender!! Help is at hand. In the end time Satan is allowed to keep tightening the vice on those who choose to serve the Creator God of the Bible. How long will it last? What is Satan’s battle plan? How can you survive? [Click for more info ->]
You’re surrounded by Satan but don’t surrender!! Help is at hand. In the end time Satan is allowed to keep tightening the vice on those who choose to serve the Creator God of the Bible. How long will it last? What is Satan’s battle plan? How can you survive?
The identity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has been much debated. Questions have been raised: “Is Jesus eternal and equal with the Father?†“Is the Holy Spirit a distinct personality from the Father and the Son?†In this little book, we will answer these questions and much more. In the end, we will discover that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit want to be in beautiful fellowship with each one of us.
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