Square Circles and Carnal Christians
(Joe Crews - 32 pages)
Standards - Joe proves you can have a fulfilling, vibrant life giving up worldly habits and living for Jesus.
Standards - Joe proves you can have a fulfilling, vibrant life giving up worldly habits and living for Jesus.
A daring and concise overview of the Bible's most compelling and perplexing end-time players, and the struggle between truth and error as seen in prophecy.
Many sincere believers think that being carnal is simply a part of the Christian experience in a sinful world. But does it really have to be that way? Are we really powerless to resist temptation? Get answers that will empower you and lead you to a new kind of walk with Christ!
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Second Coming - A book that compels readers to ask, "Would I be saved if tonight was my last night on earth?"
Christian Growth - Encouragement for God's people to boldly refuse anything that pollutes the mind or body.
Christian Growth - A study of the life-changing power that can make the best principles out of the worst sinners.
Prophecy - A candid and detailed look at what the mysterious harlot of Revelation 17; represents.
Second Coming - Joe exposes the numerous errors of the popular secret rapture theory. Find out what really happens when Jesus Christ returns.
Salvation - An important reminder that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating our selfish human natures.
Some of the strongest and most controversial opinions have built up around the statement of Jesus concerning Jonah and the whale and Jesus being in the tomb for three days.
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