Dual-Layered God's Final Call DVD's
(Mark Woodman - 6 DVDs)
This set of 6 dual-layered DVD's includes the entire 23 DVD series of "God's Final Call". Excellent as a gift or to share with others.
This set of 6 dual-layered DVD's includes the entire 23 DVD series of "God's Final Call". Excellent as a gift or to share with others.
A personal testimony of Mark's search for God, and how he came to his conclusions. Also a Biblical and secular analysis of the possibility that we might be living at the end of time.
Is there life after death, and if so, do we go to Heaven, hell, or somewhere else? These are questions that plague many of us today. is there any way that we can identify what happens after death? This lecture uses Biblical and extra-Biblical sources to provide answers to these.... [Click for more info ->]
The Bible warns us that Satan is going to attack our minds. He wants control of the information our minds absorb, and will therefore gain control of the media, right at the end of time. This lecture explains the real reason for the making of the movie "The Passion of the Christ".... [Click for more info ->]
The media is one of Satan's most powerful tools for indoctrination. This lecture continues on from the previous lecture and, using well recognized symbols and organizations, shows the agenda behind the media and its role in the final events of the world.
What is the New Age Agenda Movement? Who started it and why? This lecture identifies the key role players and exposes the Satanic under currents.
The Bible warns that there will be tremendous deceptions at the end of time. many of these will be focused at leading Christians astray in order to "deceive the very elect" Matt. 24:24. This lecture examines some of the key deceptions that Satan has aimed at God's.... [Click for more info ->]
The Bible explains that the mystic "Babylon" of Revelation has 3 components: The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet. Having already clarified who the Dragon and the Beast are, this shocking lecture explains who the false prophet is and how "he" is deceiving.... [Click for more info ->]
People often ask whether America is to be found in Bible prophecy. The answer is a resounding 'yes'! This lecture not only explains how America links up with the Antichrist 'Beast", but also uses satellite images to explain the how prophecy is being profoundly fulfilled.... [Click for more info ->]
Many people think the New World Order is a conspiracy. This clever marketing keeps most people from finding out what is really going on. This lecture looks into the plans for the New World Order, and uncovers how far the Antichrist is in setting up his kingdom hereon earth.
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