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Walter Veith

Who Shall Dwell?

(Walter Veith - 1 DVD)

This world needs to hear the everlasting Gospel. Many are preaching part of the Gospel, but people are confused, and some believe they are saved by works and others, by faith, but obedience is unnecessary. These “gospels” either make God a tyrant or a sugar daddy. Both distort the image of God.
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(Walter Veith - 1 DVD)

There are so many parallels between the Book of Zechariah and Revelation that Zechariah deserves a second look. Some of Zechariah’s prophecies may have a double application since many of the conditional prophecies failed to be fulfilled in the nation of Israel. These, therefore, must have end-time applications. Join Walter Veith as he examines parallel prophecies in the Book of Zechariah and the Book of Revelation.
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