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Bible Study

The Sanctuary by O.R.L. Crosier

(O.R.L. Crosier - 25 pages)

An explanation identifying the Sanctuary to be cleansed as the one in Heaven not the earth, as was thought by the early Adventist believers. Also contains 6 excellent reasons why the Atonement could not be completed at the cross.

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Prophetic Principles Exegetical insights

(Ron du Preez - 550 pages)

The terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001, triggered an intense interest among many regarding the end of the world. Visions of a literal Armageddon, fomented by the famous fictional Left Behind series, engendered a renewed emphasis on Biblical prophecies, especially last-day events as portrayed in the Apocalypse.
[Click for more info ->]

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Behold the Lamb!

(Jayne Dold - 256 pages)

This book addresses this ‘queen’ of Bible subjects in a very particular way. It is faithful to the principles of Scripture and will lead the reader to find personal assurance in knowing Christ as a Saviour and a Restorer.” – Pr Dennis Priebe, Teacher, Author, Dennis Priebe Ministries, California, USA [Click for more info ->]

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The Book of Daniel

(Vance Ferrell - 528 pages)

A verse by verse commentary on the book explaining the amazing prophecies of Daniel.Time is running out! Daniel contains a message that we urgently need to understand

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