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Kids Time Praise Songbook

(Brenda Walsh piano/Jimmy Rhodes Organ - 60 pages)

The talented Jimmy Rhodes and Brenda Walsh have teamed up on organ and piano to create accompaniment tracks featuring over sixty favorite songs kids love to sing! Why accompaniment tracks? Many churches today are unable to provide music in their children’s divisions due to lack of a musical instrument, or because there is no one available who knows how to play. Thus, kids are not learning these soul-winning songs that would stay in their hearts forever!

There is also a corresponding Kids’ Time Praise Songbook making it easy to start singing praises to Jesus, any time….anywhere! You can order the exact amount of books you need.

These tracks are great not only for churches, but also for family worship time, singing along in the car, camp fires, church school worships, and even when you don’t feel like singing, but want to enjoy peaceful instrumental music!  The words are also available in the accompanying songbook.  Miss Brenda and the Kid's Time Singers have also recorded these song on three CDs.

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