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Remember Your Creator (Book 2)

(Roxana Tang - 36 pages)

Book 2 is designed with the purpose of developing musicianship in students, namely in the area of sight-singing, which can be done along with beating time like a conductor. Keyboard harmony is a great skill to have and this is introduced here through chord-playing, interesting, reading and writing. New notes, fingering and rhythmic patterns, and chord tones are introduced as it progresses. Besides proficiency in piano playing, it aims to develop the piano and singing with the words given encourages cognitive development with coordination and should be practiced.

Songs include: I've Got The Joy; The Seventh Is For Jesus; Isn't He Wonderful; Did You Know; Hallelujah, Praise Ye The Lord; Missionary Band; Will There Be Any Stars; I've Got Peace Like A River; Jesus Loves You And Me, Too; Happy, Happy Home; I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life; When A Mother Calls; What A Mighty God We Serve; AND MORE...

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