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General Religion & Doctrine

The Truth about the Sabbath_88

(Steve Wohlberg - 47 pages)

What day is God’s holy day? Saturday? Or Sunday? The Truth about the Sabbath provides a vast wealth of easy-to-understand information from the Old and New Testaments, the teaching of Jesus Christ, church history, and Bible prophecy. Steve Wohlberg’s well-researched new book examines this issue from many sides, answers common questions, and sets forth biblical truths as clearly as the sun shines. Enlightening. Comprehensive. Great for sharing. [Click for more info ->]

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LOVE: A Comprehensive Exposition of 1 Corinthians 13

(Taylor G Bunch - 96 pages)

This little book deals with the very heart and substance of the everlasting gospel. Just as the Decalogue constitutes a summary of the Scriptures, so Love is the Law of God abridged in a single word. Love to God, when written out in positive and negative commands, produces the first table of the moral law, and love to man, the second table which regulates man’s duties and responsibilities to his fellow men. And on these two exhibitions of love “hang all the law and the prophets”, or the entire Bible. [Click for more info ->]

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