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The Battle for the Kingship of the World

(Louis Were - 92 pages)

Will the King of the North Invade the Holy City?
The Battle for the Kingship of the World is a thought provoking work that delves into the context of Daniel 11 of the Old Testament.

Scholars for years have discussed and debated who the King of the North is and what role that King will play in Bible Prophecy. This work unveils the spiritual implications of these key texts as found in Scripture regarding the Great Controversy between Christ, Satan and the Remnant Church.

92 pages

Table of Contents:
1. The King of the North and the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
2. The Prophecy of the King of the North - A Message of Victory for the Remnant Church
3. The King of the North Does Not Invade the Holy City (Dan. 11:45). The Significance of the Assyrian Invasion of Palestine
4. "Between the Seas and the Glorious Holy Mountain"
5. Paul's Application (2 Thess. 2:3-8) of the Prophecy of the King of the North to the Papacy Sitting in the Temple in Jerusalem and Its Relation to Daniel 11:45
6. What is the Significance of Pitching His Royal Tents Between the Seas and Jerusalem?
7. Why the Second Advent Title, "The King of Kings and Lord of Lords?"
8. When Does the King of the North "Enter Also Into the Glorious Land"? When are Many of God's People Over Thrown by the King of the North?
9. When Does the King of the North Plant His Royal Tents Between the Seas and the Glorious Holy Mountain?
10. To What Specific Place Does the Lord Direct Us in Daniel 11:45? Why?
11. The Spirit of Prophecy Interpretation of Jerusalem in Ezekiel 9 and Its Relationship to Daniel 11:45. Why are Destroyers Pictured in Ezekiel 9 as Slaughtering Sinners Inside Jerusalem When Daniel 11:45 Pictures These Sinners Outside the Holy City?
12. When Does the King of the North Come to His End?

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