A Tale of Two Mountains
(Scott Risema - 204 pages)
A Tale of Two Mountains: From Sinai to the Sermon on the Mount
This is a book about Jesus. Really, everything we do is about Jesus, for He is the One in whom "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
But this book deeply explores two of the best known passages in all of the Bible - Exodus 20 (the Ten Commandments) and Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount) - both of which feature Jesus as the main Actor.
1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us that Jesus Christ was the Lord who accompanied the Israelites to Mount Sinai. So, it was Jesus who both delivered the Sermon on the Mount and wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone.
Encounter Jesus in the law. And encounter Jesus in the most famous sermon ever preached. You will not walk away unchallenged or unchanged.
(A Tale of Two Mountains can be used either as a devotional book or as a starting point for deeper study into the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. Prayerfully enjoy the journey into these two high points of the inspired Scriptures.)