Dwelling in the Secret Place - Sonica Veith
(Sonica Veith - 258 pages)
Sonica Veith's biography
Dwelling in the Secret Place tells the story of her experiences and trials in her walk from a totally secular and occult world into a world of faith. Married to an atheistic scientist, passionate about his work and adamant that evolution supplied all the answers to our origins, she experienced first-hand the challenges of a paradigm shift and consequent onslaught from the scientific and even the religious world as they transitioned from their atheistic point of view to Biblical Christianity, and discovering for the first time a loving Creator God.
Her husband, Walter Veith retired as a university professor and continued to work full time as an international evangelist, during which time Sonica witnessed the challenges, joys and sorrows of a life dedicated to the service of God.
This book is not merely biographical, but a bitter-sweet story to encourage believers who face opposition and disappointments in their Christian walk.
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