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How to Pray Effectual Prayers

(Louis Were - 19 pages)

Millions of people of various religions believe in and practice saying prayers. Various schemes have been devised whereby the God or gods might be pleased, appeased or placated, and thus bestow favors upon the worshipers.

Based upon the principles of The Lord’s Prayer, and expanded upon by further Scriptures and essential quotations from the pen of Ellen White, the author outlines in brief but comprehensive words the attitudes, toward our infinitely majestic and yet supremely loving God, and toward our own sinful and repentant heart, that bring us close into the presence of God. For it is not God who turns away from our petitions and prayers. It is we who do not first ask Him to tune our hearts and minds to His will, but pray according to our own desires. It is we who do not receive because we do not ask for the blessings He has already offered.

A Christian life is one long prayer — a life of victory depends upon keeping the avenue of communion with God continually open. God is not limited in resources, and all in His bounteous heavenly treasure-house is for those who come to Him, claiming those promised blessings in the name of His well-beloved Son.

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