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You Can Survive!

(Jere Franklin - 493 pages)

A plea appears in USA Today from a concerned young father: “Does anyone care anymore? Will someone please, please help me save my son?” —Edward Moats, Tarpon Springs, FL.

A young boy leaves a message: “Hey! This is an 11-year-old kid named Jacob. One of my friends was driving by and found this book on the ground. They picked it up. It said You Can Survive! by Jere Franklin. They gave me the book. I have read this book over, and over, and over. It just speaks to me. There’s a lot of problems going on in my family … like … my Dad is gone … and other stuff [obvious emotional turmoil in Jacob’s unsteady voice ending in a heavy sigh]. I just wanted to thank you for your book. It really means a lot to me.”

If there was a plan whereby you could avoid most disasters, wouldn’t you want to know about it? If you would, then you need to read this book. It includes chapters on the joys of country living, medical preparation for the end time, wilderness survival, log cabin building, a garden-to-kitchen cookbook, a financial plan, and inspirational stories of faith. In the near future, this information will be invaluable.

“Any reader who applies himself diligently to this book will be rewarded and uplifted. A sincere and practical outline for survival and revival.” —Lincoln Steed, Editor, Liberty magazine.

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