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Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit DVD Set

(Barbara O'Neill - 3 DVDs)

In this series, sought-after speaker and holistic health coach Barbara O’Neill shares her vast knowledge of natural remedies and Biblical health principles to help you heal your body, mind, and spirit. Get a better understanding of how disease develops and the body’s built-in mechanisms to heal itself.

1. What does the Bible say about healing?
2. What does the Bible say about truth?
3. Heart cleaning and repair
4. The Type 1 Diabetes cure
5. Natural remedies that work
6. How to prevent Osteoporosis
7. Home remedies for Eczema and Psoriasis
8. How to strengthen your immune system
9. Why can’t I sleep?
10. Living Sacrifice: Is yours acceptable?
11. Natural Pain Relief Strategies
12. What does the Bible say about addiction?
13. Natural remedies for arthritis

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