Revive Cafe Cookbook 1
(Jeremy Dixon - 185 pages)
Inside this cookbook you will find 75 great recipes from the Revive Cafes that you can cook at home. [Click for more info ->]
Inside this cookbook you will find 75 great recipes from the Revive Cafes that you can cook at home. [Click for more info ->]
An explanation identifying the Sanctuary to be cleansed as the one in Heaven not the earth, as was thought by the early Adventist believers. Also contains 6 excellent reasons why the Atonement could not be completed at the cross.
"I have been instructed that the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation should be printed in small books, with the necessary explanations, and should be sent all over the world." CH 520 [Click for more info ->]
On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future.
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The terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001, triggered an intense interest among many regarding the end of the world. Visions of a literal Armageddon, fomented by the famous fictional Left Behind series, engendered a renewed emphasis on Biblical prophecies, especially last-day events as portrayed in the Apocalypse.
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Do You Have Questions about God and Faith, Life and Death, the Present and the Future? The Bible Provides Reliable, Credible Answers [Click for more info ->]
This little book deals with the very heart and substance of the everlasting gospel. Just as the Decalogue constitutes a summary of the Scriptures, so Love is the Law of God abridged in a single word. Love to God, when written out in positive and negative commands, produces the first table of the moral law, and love to man, the second table which regulates man’s duties and responsibilities to his fellow men. And on these two exhibitions of love “hang all the law and the prophets”, or the entire Bible. [Click for more info ->]
Will the King of the North Invade the Holy City? The Battle for the Kingship of the World is a thought provoking work that delves into the context of Daniel 11 of the Old Testament. [Click for more info ->]
Defending Our Bible Beliefs Against New Theology Errors [Click for more info ->]
A personal or group study guide for the Great Controversy. [Click for more info ->]
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