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Peace in Stormy Times - USB

(Conrad Vine)

Dr. Conrad Vine has served in multiple roles as a pastor of the SDA Church. After a period of service in the Middle East Union, he served in the pastoral ministry for four years in Minnesota following which Conrad answered the call to serve as the President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. (AFM). [Click for more info ->]

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Peace in Stormy Times - DVD set

(Conrad Vine - 2 DVDs)

Dr. Conrad Vine has served in multiple roles as a pastor of the SDA Church. After a period of service in the Middle East Union, he served in the pastoral ministry for four years in Minnesota following which Conrad answered the call to serve as the President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. (AFM). [Click for more info ->]

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The Reformation and the Remnant

(Nicholas P. Miller - 142 pages)

The Reformation and the Remnant covers vital subject matter with skill and clarity, giving the church a gift of rational, and balanced thinking on key issues. Surely we agree it is time to find the will and the way to link arms with one another for the sake of our greater mission for Christ.

[Click for more info ->]

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The Hopeful - Book

(Melinda Worden, Norma J. Collins - 154 pages)

William Miller, Joshua Himes, Ellen Harmon. These are just a few of the early pioneers that you will meet and learn more about in the pages of this book. The Hopeful book offers and expanded view into the lives of those featured in The Hopeful film. Learn more about these courageous pioneers who started a movement that today numbers in the millions. [Click for more info ->]

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Fire on the Mountain

(Norma Youngberg - 95 pages)

In this mission adventure, first published 40 years ago, Norma Youngberg weaves a classic story about the struggle between good and evil in every heart. It's a story that's as fresh as ever for a new generation of young readers. With illustrations and vivid word pictures, Fire on the Mountain tells of a God so loving that no place is too far for Him to find - and no soul is too lost for Him to save. [Click for more info ->]

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