Dual-Layered God's Final Call DVD's
(Mark Woodman - 6 DVDs)
This set of 6 dual-layered DVD's includes the entire 23 DVD series of "God's Final Call". Excellent as a gift or to share with others.
This set of 6 dual-layered DVD's includes the entire 23 DVD series of "God's Final Call". Excellent as a gift or to share with others.
After leaving Christianity in search of truth, Mark Woodman started a career in motivational speaking. He interacted with Sir Richard Branson and his search for truth led him into mainstream religions, and eventually into the occult side of the New Age Movement. He has been featured.... [Click for more info ->]
After leaving Christianity in search of truth, Mark Woodman started a career in motivational speaking. He interacted with Sir Richard Branson and his search for truth led him into mainstream religions, and eventually into the occult side of the New Age Movement. He has been featured.... [Click for more info ->]
Since the first DVD "It's Closer Than You Think" was released, many events have rapidly taken place, natural disasters, financial crisis, and so on. Christians the world over are realizing that something is wrong. They can't put their finger on it, but they know.... [Click for more info ->]
There's an influence on the minds of our children. There's a war going for the minds of humanity. And I hope this short presentation has given you a small insight and a glimpse into what else is out there.
To prepare a people to stand in the day of God, a great work of reform was to be accomplished [by the Advent Movement]. God saw that many of His professed people were not building for eternity, and in His mercy He was about to send a message of warning to arouse them from their.... [Click for more info ->]
Christians the world over are realizing that something is wrong. They can't put their finger on it, but they know that there is something missing from their Christian experience. The truth is that one of the last and greatest Bible prophecies is about to be fulfilled, and the.... [Click for more info ->]
As Christians we not only look forward to going to heaven, but also to the creation of the new earth. This lecture identifies what the new Jerusalem will be like, how big it will be, and what it will look like, and most importantly...what the requirements are to get there.
Many prophets come and go - some more accurate than others. What does it take to be a modern-day prophet? If the Bible warns about false prophets, then we must be able to identify true prophets from false prophets. In this lecture we tackle this subject and look at the Biblical.... [Click for more info ->]
There is going to be a final showdown between good and evil. This lecture shows, beyond any doubt, what the final conflict will be about.
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