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Adventure Prof

(Walter Veith - 2 DVDs)

For numerous years, Professor Veith has been known for lectures behind the desk and on the stage of many halls worldwide. Many appreciate his enormous knowledge in relevant topics of our life. But what does the professor do in his working spare time?
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The Big 5 - Henry Stober

(Walter Veith & Henry Stober - 1 DVD)

Who designed the movements in the living nature? Who cares for the surface tension of a water drop? Who gives all living beings their exactly coordinated rhythm? Who cares that the living green around us in spring, summer, autumn and winter unfolds so that we can harvest year after year? Who makes the seed grow into a mighty tropical tree? I can not help but realize that this earth and all life on it is subject to a wonderful plan. Someone must have wanted it that way. [Click for more info ->]

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Inspiration from Creation

(Dr Stuart Burgess - 1 DVD)

Design engineers such as Dr Stuart Burgess (Professor of Design Engineering at the UK’s Bristol University) are increasingly copying designs from the natural world. Nature contains an abundance of brilliant design solutions. That shouldn’t surprise anyone familiar with the Bible’s teaching that creation has a Designer who is perfect in knowledge (Job 37:16). [Click for more info ->]

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The Creation: The Earth is a Witness - DVD

(Walter Veith & Henry Stober - 1 DVD)

In a 30-minute video presentation by Prof. Dr. Walter Veith, a world famous scientist from South Africa, hard facts are brought to light. Through his expertise and own experience over many years, he has become a recognized authority on both arguments. You will experience scientific knowledge from a new, surprising point of view, presented in a logical and convincing manner. [Click for more info ->]

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Animals and their God-given Gift for Architecture

(Matthew Priebe - 1 DVD)

Humans build a wide variety of structures to make our lives easier. It takes skill and planning to make them correctly. But architecture does not just belong to people. Many animals are builders too. But do we realize how many animal architects there really are? In this presentation, naturalist Matthew Priebe examines the huge variety of constructions made by animals. Mammals and fish, birds and insects, even reptiles and sea creatures all make artificial structures. [Click for more info ->]

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