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Ride for Life - Adventist Motorcycle Ministry

(AMM Members - 1 DVD)

Adventist Motorcycle Ministry (AMM) Victoria is a group of Seventh-day Adventists who have a passion for motorbikes, and who use this passion to share their greater passion for Jesus in ministry. 

AMM Victoria has also raised around $A14,000 for “Connecting Hands”, an organisation rescuing young children from prostitution in Cambodia.   They have also raised money to help the family of a newborn with major health issues and are currently paying for a couple of young boys to attend a Christian school to hopefully keep them out of the drug scene. They have been involved in feeding gang members and the homeless in Melbourne, as well as supporting literature evangelists in Western Solomon Islands.
AMM will be telling their stories of the experiences of God’s leading in their ministry and in the personal lives of some of it’s members. These true stories will both inspire and motivate you to step up and do something for God this coming year.

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