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Why Have You Taken So Long?

(Oscar Sande - 1 DVD)

Why Have You Taken So Long? is a touching story of abandonment, deception, anguish and hope that culminates in discovery, acceptance and reunion!

In this presentation, Oscar Sande takes your understanding of the Prodigal Son to a whole new level as he retells the deeply personal story of Veronica and Theresa, two young girls—sisters of a kind—who spend their childhood in a less-than-ideal family environment in Chile. Their journey eventually takes them from their mother-land to pursue their lives in Australia.

But in a series of unplanned and unforeseeable circumstances, the desire is kindled to return to their country of birth where, for Veronica, the spirit of forgiveness softens the hard past, and for Theresa, an amazing world of discovery opens up which crescendos into a never-to-be-dreamed-of reunion.

A true story that reminds each one of us that we also have a Father who is is waiting lovingly, patiently, with one question — why have you taken so long?

DVD Running Time: 50 mins

Presented at Autumn Leaves Summer Camp January 2012.

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