The Scarlet Woman
(Joe Crews - 32 pages)
Prophecy - A candid and detailed look at what the mysterious harlot of Revelation 17; represents.
Prophecy - A candid and detailed look at what the mysterious harlot of Revelation 17; represents.
Christian Growth - A study of the life-changing power that can make the best principles out of the worst sinners.
Second Coming - A book that compels readers to ask, "Would I be saved if tonight was my last night on earth?"
Judgment - Powerful sharing book. Great for anyone who has ever wondered how a loving God can permit sin and suffering.
Church - This book shows that God's invisible church, despite its problems, has not crossed over into apostasy.
Standards - Doug clarifies confusing verses and explains the types of alcohol in the Bible, what happens when God's people drink, and gives inspiring, biblical reasons for abstinence. Thoroughly documented and presented in Doug's straightforward style.
Christian Growth - A terrible war is raging between good and evil, and your eternal destiny is at stake. But God assures victory for those who choose to follow Him. Find new peace in this beautiful journey through one of the Bible's most beloved passages..
Prophecy - Get a clear understanding of one of the most obscure Bible prophecies found in Matthew 24.
Standards - Joe proves you can have a fulfilling, vibrant life giving up worldly habits and living for Jesus.
Prophecy - What is Israels destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Jews boldly tackle one of the most divisive issues in prophecy, leading you to an amazing conclusion backed by solid biblical evidence
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