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Pocket Books

Secrets of Inner Peace booklet

(Steve Wohlberg - 32 pages)

Secrets of Inner Peace explains how deep, inner peace is possible through Jesus Christ, “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), and through the power of His Word. Truly, this booklet is an incredible resource for anyone who is struggling against Satan, self, and sin. It is also perfect for sharing with anyone who feels a need for peace and spiritual strength, especially in the midst of trials and conflicts. It will “give light to those who sit in darkness…to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:79. [Click for more info ->]

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Struggling with "WHY"

(Alistair Huong - 43 pages)

Are you among the many who ponder one of life’s biggest questions? Why do bad things happen to good people? Author Alistair Huong has thoughtfully assembled seven amazing answers to this question. Framed in his own near-death crisis, he opens the door on spiritual growth for both himself as well as others. [Click for more info ->]

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Much Ado About Climate Change

(Brian Way - 22 pages)

This booklet contrasts atheistic views about climate change with creationist views, documents the pope’s role in fueling the climate rebellion and orchestrating work free Sundays which will ultimately lead to Sunday worship legislation on a world-wide basis.

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Climate Change: Is It The End of the World?

(Steve Wohlberg - 31 pages)

In 2015, Pope Francis’s monumental encyclical on “climate change” was released by the Vatican. Since then, we’ve observed this topic rapidly grow into an all consuming issue. It seems from every direction we are bombarded with dire predictions, protests, angered mobs, worried politicians, Hollywood stars pleading for action and calls for new laws to prevent the climate from destroying the earth.

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