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Addicted to Purity

(Scott Risema - 32 pages)

This 32-page book comprises highlights from the A Greater Lust DVD series and also includes helpful counsel about dating and courtship that does not appear in the DVD seminar.

We live in a pornographic world. Day after day, sexual alluring images and immoral love stories assault the eyes and seize the hearts of those in need of Christ. Presently, 70% of men in the church admit to struggling with pornography in their daily lives. Many teens have no moral compass given to them on matters of dating and marriage. Let's face it - both male and female children of God find themselves too often with impure thoughts and relationships.

Is there any hope for young and old who feel like slaves to their desires?

Unquestionably, the answer is a definitive YES! The latest scientific research and time-tested biblical principles are inspiring countless souls with a shockingly hopeful vision of just how freeing it is to be 'enslaved' to purity in a pornographic world.

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