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Priebe Nature DVDs

Animals and their God-given Gift for Architecture

(Matthew Priebe - 1 DVD)

Humans build a wide variety of structures to make our lives easier. It takes skill and planning to make them correctly. But architecture does not just belong to people. Many animals are builders too. But do we realize how many animal architects there really are? In this presentation, naturalist Matthew Priebe examines the huge variety of constructions made by animals. Mammals and fish, birds and insects, even reptiles and sea creatures all make artificial structures. [Click for more info ->]

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Red in Tooth and Claw

(Matthew Priebe - 1 DVD)

Predators. What are they? Where did they come from? And what is their reason for existence? When God created life on Earth, He made everything perfect, with no trace of death or killing. How do animals that eat other animals fit into God’s plans? Did they evolve naturally? Did Satan manufacture them? Or did God create them after all? [Click for more info ->]

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Animals, Ethics & Christianity

(Matthew Priebe - 1 DVD)

Animals have not always fared well at the hands of Christians. Because the Bible is assumed to give human beings permission to use animals in any way we wish, animals have been killed, skinned, neglected, sheared, milked, imprisoned, tested, and used for transportation, burden bearing, medicine, amusement, and breeding. Because of this man-over-animal mindset, many animals are inhumanely treated because "they don't feel pain" or it just doesn't matter. [Click for more info ->]

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Little-Known Miracles of God's Creation - For Kids

(Delise Priebe - 1 DVD)

Come with us to explore some little-known miracles of God’s animal creation. Hidden away in your backyard and on the other side of the globe are amazing examples of how wonderfully made and entertaining God’s animas really are. When God created the animals, He put His skill on display in countless ways for those who take the time to study nature. [Click for more info ->]

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Little-Known Miracles of Gods Creation

(Matthew Priebe - 1 DVD)

Little-Known Miracles of Gods Creation Come with us to explore some little-known miracles of Gods animal creation. Hidden away in your backyard and on the other side of the globe are amazing examples of how sophisticated and entertaining Gods animals really are. When God created the animals, He put His skill on display in countless ways for those who take the time to study nature. [Click for more info ->]

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