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Earth's Final Crisis DVD

(Steve Wohlberg - 1 DVD)

The Bible predicts that a “time of trouble, such as never was” (see Daniel 12:1) inescapably looms on the horizon. This straightforward, one-hour presentation explains the facts and what you must know to survive.

Topics include: The pending global crisis (Rev. 3:10); false miracles from “spirits of devils” (Rev. 16:14); the truth about what happens after death (Eccl. 9:5); the final enforcement of “the mark of the beast” as a false solution to the crisis (Rev. 13:16,17; 19:20); and finally, the Good News of an eternal future of love and joy available to us all through the grace of Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Rev. 21:1-5). Numerous White Horse Media resources already tackle these topics separately, but based on the shortness of time, we felt compelled to “make plain” the major end-time issues in one short DVD. At the conclusion, a “Bible Truth Survival Kit” is offered containing seven truth-filled books so viewers can discover “the rest of the story.” Earth’s Final Crisis was filmed for television and for you to share with loved ones, friends, and strangers. Don’t let those you care about face the future ignorant and unprepared. Order Earth’s Final Crisis today.

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