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Peace in Stormy Times - USB

(Conrad Vine)

Episode 1 - The Printed Word, The Living Word & The Indwelling Word.  1:32
Episode 2 - Teeth of Iron.  1:07
Episode 3 - What's The Time?  1:22
Episode 4 - Walking with God.  1:15
Episode 5 - Questions & Answers 1:04
Episode 6 - AFM Stories.  1:09

Dr. Conrad Vine has served in multiple roles as a pastor of the SDA Church.  After a period of service in the Middle East Union, he served in the pastoral ministry for four years in Minnesota following which Conrad answered the call to serve as the President of Adventist Frontier Missions, Inc. (AFM). 

At the time of presenting this series of talks for Steps to Life in Australia, he was the President of Adventist Frontier Missions.  He currently is conducting his own ministry.

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