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The 24 Elders

(Stephen Bohr - 3 DVDs)

  1. Mission Accomplished
  2. The Return of the War Hero
  3. Who Are The 24 Elders?
  4. Earth's Two Representatives
  5. Redeemed From The Earth?
  6. Future History and Functions
Hands down, the question that people most frequently ask Secrets Unsealed is: Who are the 24 elders and what role do they play in heaven? What do we know for certain about this group?  Are they the first-fruits that came forth from the tomb when Jesus resurrected?  Will we ever have the opportunity of meeting them?  Do they have any role in the administration of the universe?  What lessons can we learn from the work that they perform?  There are many surprises packed up in this five part series. You will find certain answers from the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy!

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