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The Tip of an Iceberg

(C. Raymond Holmes, D. Min. - 196 pages)

What happens to a church when it decides to follow the pressures of society and the voice of culture on the issue of women’s ordination rather than the authority of the Scriptures?  From the perspective of one who has ‘been there and done that’, Dr. Raymond Holmes answers this all important question.  Holmes was once a clergyman in the Lutheran Church and made the difficult choice of leaving the Lutheran Church to become a Seventh-day Adventist pastor.  From the perspective of one who knows, Holmes tells the story of how his former church faced the issue of women’s ordination and the lessons that Seventh-day Adventists can learn from its experience.  Published one year before the landmark decision not to ordain women pastors at the General Conference Session in Utrecht, the book provides a persuasive rationale for following the mandate of Scripture to ordain only men who are ‘husbands of one wife.’  You will be richly blessed by this classic book!  Powerful and an easy read.  196 pages, soft cover.

  • Sola Scriptura: A Personal Pilgrimage
  • Two Divergent Methods of Interpretation
  • Ellen G. White and the Bible
  • Full Authority of the Bible
  • The Tip of the Iceberg: Its Ideological Foundation
  • The Tip of the Iceberg: Its Feminist Ideology
  • The Tip of the Iceberg: A Critique
  • Pertinent Bible Passages
  • The Iceberg in Other Waters
  • Adventism at a Crossroads

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