Counsels on Health MP3s
(Ellen G. White MP3s - 2 MP3s)
(narrated by Ralph Martin)
In the lobby of the white memorial hospital, which was founded in memory of the writer of the "counsels" which compose this book, is a bronze tablet bearing the inscription:
"This hospital is dedicated to the memory of Ellen Gould White, whose long life was unselfishly devoted to the alleviation of the woes and sorrows of the sick, the suffering, and the needy; and to inspiring young men and women to consecrate their lives to the work of Him who said, 'heal the sick.'"
To those who knew mrs. White these words are freighted with tender memories of almost countless incidents in the life of that most kindly soul. Of the women who have lived in modern days, no other, in all probability, has exercised so deep and lasting an influence upon the lives of her fellows as Ellen G. White. In no realm were her teachings more far-reaching and thorough than in that relating to the care of the body -- the temple of the Holy Spirit.