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Discipleship: Retaining and Growing Our Young People

(Johnny Wong - 1 DVD)

Session 1 - The Challenge: 
How did an urban church in secular Australia and with majority young adults, have a retention rate of 90%?  

Session 2 - Discipleship Paradigm Shift
What is the Biblical discipleship process and what tools can help?  A process so simple and tools so easy to use that an average church member can reproduce workers for the harvest. Is there such a thing?

Johnny Wong is the Elder of Gateway Adventist Centre (GAC), a SDA outreach centre Melbourne City.   He has been involved in five urban church plants and is now coaching several churches worldwide in urban evangelism. GAC has been blessed with over 180 baptisms with a 90% retention rate through intentional discipleship. He has trained for the world church in over 20 countries in areas of discipleship, care group, practical leadership and church planting. He has served on the conference executive committee and other company board of directors. His passion is to see young people mobilized as an army of youth presenting the everlasting gospel.  

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