Special Thanks to Little Light Studios for producing this promo clip.
Eric Wilson began training in the martial arts at the age of fourteen, just after his parent’s separation. Searching for stability, purpose and meaning to his life, Eric began his journey on a path which promised confidence, assurance, and control. Over the next 24 years of training, Eric received black belt and instructor certification in seven styles of the combative arts. He was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame in the USA. With a background in natural and alternative medicine, Eric also studied extensively in the field of energy healing and was recognized as an instructor in the Chinese Internal arts of Tai-chi, Chuan, Bagua Zhang, Qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The life he lived was to all appearances a success. But through the years involved in the eastern mystical arts, Eric had become blind to the forces which had set themselves to destroy both himself, his wife Sarah, and their family. Their marriage crumbled.
However, after nearly five years of separation and divorce, God reunited Eric and Sarah in the covenant of marriage, restoring both their family and their home.
Eric is now a sought after speaker who shares his story of how God intervened in his life to rescue him from the bondage of the mystical and martial arts and to turn it around for the benefit of others.
Eric’s Australian seminar series for Steps to Life has been specially prepared for his visit to Australia. It contains updated and additional information to his five part series filmed by Amazing Discoveries TV (Canada) and Little Light Studios (USA).
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