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Vegetarians are characterised by the observance of a plant based diet that avoids the consumption of meat, poultry and fish. Lacto-ovo vegetarians are still willing to consume milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and eggs.
Oxidised cholesterol, or oxycholesterol, is a form of cholesterol that occurs in processed and fried foods, particularly fast foods. Research led by Dr Zhen-Yu Chen from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, showed that oxycholesterol boosts total cholesterol levels and promotes atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") more than non-oxidised cholesterol. The researchers noted that the reduction of fried and processed foods along with an increase in foods rich in antioxidants can reduce the level of oxycholesterol in the body.
Altered fats, that is human-refined and human-made fats, are best to be avoided. Research shows that as little as 5g of trans-fatty acids increases the risk of heart disease by 25.1%. Altered fats are a result of the refining process used to create new fats such as vegetable oils. Altered fats occur in margarine, pies, biscuits and particularly fast foods such as chips. Australian law does not yet require the labeling of trans-fats but foods listing �hydrogenated vegetable oil' or �partially hydrogenated vegetable oil' should be avoided. When buying oils, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the only oil that hasn't undergone the harmful refining process.
Vegetarians are characterized by the observance of a plant based diet that avoids the consumption of meat, poultry and fish. Vegan vegetarians avoid all animal products in their diet, and unlike lacto-ovo vegetarians, do not eat milk and dairy products.
The 8 Laws of Health are eight 'natural doctors' accessible by all to bring health and healing. They are commonly referred to by the acronym NEWSTART (trademark of the Weimar Institute). Below are these eight principles that promote healthy living. Click an item for further information.
Kaye regularly runs courses on vegan cooking, natural remedies and hydrotherapy amongst other things. To find out more about Kaye's courses or to subscribe to the Back to Eden newsletter, visit, email or contact Kaye at the following postal address:
Kaye Sehm
PO Box 850
The Back to Eden newsletter can be subscribed to by writing a request to the following address:
Kaye Sehm
PO Box 850
Available from Steps to Life by following this link.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It is characterised by the overgrowth of skin caused by faulty signals sent by the bodies' immune system.
A dish sourced from the Solomon Islands.
In a large casserole dish, layer sweet potato, bok choy, 2-3 tablespoons of ground almonds and drizzle a small amount of coconut cream over the top. Keep layering this way until all ingredients are evenly used. Cover with a lid or foil and bake at 180degC for about 60-75 minutes taking the lid off in the last 10 minutes. Cooking time will vary according to the depth of the dish used and the age of the sweet potato. Traditionally Islanders cook this recipe in banana leaves, but adapting it to a casserole dish works well. This is a large recipe, serving 8-10. If you want a smaller dish, just adjust ingredients.
Short and medium chained fatty acids are absorbed directly into blood as energy, providing similar benefits to carbohydrates, whereas long chain fatty acids are too long to be directly absorbed and are thus stored by the body as fat. Medium-chain fatty acids are found in coconut milk.
Ketonic Acid (or Ketoacids) are medium chain triglycerides, or ketone bodies known to be found in oils such as Coconut Oil. Recent research by Dr. Mary Newport has shown that Ketoacids may not only treat, but also prevent Alzheimer's disease. This is also a potential treatment for Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), drug resistant epilepsy, brittle type I diabetes, and diabetes type II, where there is insulin resistance. Ketone bodies may help the brain recover after a loss of oxygen in newborns through adults, may help the heart recover after an acute attack, and may shrink cancerous tumors.
Source: (pdf)In a series of videos on YouTube, Dr Mary Newport explains her success in combating the symptoms of her husband's early onset Alzheimer's Disease with coconut oil.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
A physician and nutritionist based out of Santa Rosa, California, Dr John McDougall was one of the first traditional physicians to advocate a vegetarian diet. Dr McDougall has published many books including The McDougall Plan: 12 Days to Dynamic Health, McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion and The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss.
For more information on Dr McDougall visit:
LSA is a formulated seed-meal supplement based on linseeds, sunflowers and almonds. LSA is good for increasing protein, omega 3 essential oil intake and B vitamin intake.
Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it. The process is used to make the oil denser, creating a butter-like substance, that is cheaper than using butter. Hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans fats which are linked to coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity among other chronic health problems.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a series of essential unsaturated fatty acids, categorised as such due to their important role in human health. Research points to Omega-3 fatty acids as reducing inflammation as well as lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. A popular source of Omega-3 fatty acids is fish such as salmon, but due to the risk of mercury poisoning, more preferable sources of Omega-3 are flaxseeds, walnuts, cooked soybeans and raw tofu.
The Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are best explained by how they interact with each other in the body. Studies have shown that while the amount of Omega-3 has significant effects in reducing heart disease, the amount Omega-6 was almost negligible. Due to the length of their chains, Omega-6 and Omega-3 compete for the same metabolic enzymes, and thus a correct balance is essential for receiving the full benefit of the Omega-3 fatty acids. The optimum ratio of Omega-6:Omega-3 is between 1:1 and 1:4. In other words, the body needs more Omega-3 than Omega-6. However, typical Western diets produce a ratios of between 10:1 and 30:1, showing significantly higher levels of Omega-6.
The Celtic Sea Salt is naturally extracted by the use of Sunshine on the most pristine coastal areas of north western France. It is harvested manually without mechanical manipulation. Dried by the sun, this salt has nothing added or removed.
Click Here to purchase Celtic Sea Salt from the Steps to Life online shop.
Is a legume grown for its seed, which is eaten as a vegetable. It is commonly known as the lima bean or butter bean. Lima beans are high in fibre and complex carbohydrates.
Click Here to purchase Lima Beans from the Steps to Life online shop.
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Important Information
This DVD series of 'Back to Eden' is comprised of 2 DVDs.
Each DVD is intended as a health education presentation based on published natural health literature, long standing holistic health practice used by physicians and other health practitioners committed to the appropriate use of holistic health solutions, as well as the experience and observations of the presenter, Kaye Sehm, over the years of her involvement in the treatment of illness with simple natural remedies.
These DVDs and the further information provided on this website should not be used by viewers to replace a patient relationship with qualified health professionals, including medical physicians.
Persons who are ill or on prescribed medication who wish to explore the benefits of natural remedies for themselves, should do so under the direction of a registered and qualified health practitioner familiar with the effects of natural remedies and prescribed medication reduction or cessation.
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